Slow and Steady

Game Update

We’ve been adding a lot of sound polish to the game. This week Chris and I beefed up the combat initiation from the Overworld stages. I put a place holder sound in place during our game development session and went back after to add 6 random sounds that came from a viking pack. It was then that I noticed sometimes when we start a combat it’s trying to launch it multiple times which is spawning a lot of particle effects and now sound effects as well. This sounds like a giant spaghetti mess and so we will be sorting it out this week.

I know that I need to focus on spreadsheets and working on the capsule art but having to change my business licence over from one state to another has kind of taken a little bit of the wind out of my sails to get it done. On the plus side I’m starting to see the end of the tunnel on the things that need to get completed at the house to get everything lined up.

I was thinking tonight while I was grocery shopping and I think that I really need to set a regular schedule for my after hours time to make sure that I’m leveraging it effectively. I do when to devote more committed time to game dev, but I also want to work out. The kids are getting older and so that’s becoming a lot easier although I still have a fair share of my time spent teaching them how to get things done and be self sufficient.

Things aren’t moving as quickly as I like but some progress is better than nothing and there have been many times in which development has slowed to a crawl on the project. Maybe that’s what it’s really about. When you push yourself even though you don’t feel like it.

Personal Update

As I stated above for the most part my household is in order now. I feel pretty good about it as I have said goodbye to the last of my boxes today. I always know it’s getting to the end when I can start hanging up things on the walls. It’s a little bitter sweet doing it right now as I still have to put all the things in my retiree shadow box. It brings up mixed emotions all by itself, but I think I’m finally in a place where I can accept it and feel peace about it.

I took some time to go out dancing on Saturday which is the 2nd time I’ve done that since I’ve been here. I felt a little guilty for not working but I didn’t stay out to late due to church the next day. Meeting people with a passion for dancing was good. Kind of a big win as I now have some people to chill with when I’m out there.

I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about my dating life lately. What I want, where my boundaries are, and how it relates to the other aspects of my life. Sometimes things happen quickly and can catch you off guard. It can be like a whirlwind that’s hard to hold onto, scary and exciting. It’s important for me to remember to temper those fast times with stability being free from outcomes giving the most value I can while setting strong boundaries. I’m happy for everything that has happened on my journey in this area and I’m excited to see what’s in store for me next! That said I need to temper my expectations and time lines at times. Who knows where I will be in 6 months to a year from now? I have to keep slow steady to find out. It’s what has kept me going on my game all this time and so many other things.