Game Update
Still going through the process of testing the build. We spent some time and figure out how to disable the steam plug in for testing. When we make a full compiled build it calls out to steam and then re-starts using the copy on my local machine which means that it bypasses the build I’m trying to test. I have to copy it into the folder over the downloaded steam version to test it. By turning the Steam parts off I don’t have to deal with this issue.
Just in case anyone else wants to know how to do this I’ll put the directions here.
Go to file -> build settings -> player settings (bottom left)
In the plauyer settings go to “Scripting Define Symbols”
At the end of the othersymbols add “DISABLESTEAMWORKS” in order to shut off the steam integration
Delete it later when you want to bring it back
I’m hoping that I can get a build out soon, but things are starting to pick up here too. It’s likely it will happen during my weekly game development meetings. It’s so important to have regular times each week to work on what you want to get done. If I didn’t have this I wouldn’t be where I am now for sure.
Personal Update
Gearing up for the next birthday this weekend as well as a 5k run next weekend. Halloween is this month too so have been working out scheduling for the kids trick or treat nights as well as some non-kid events. The month feels like it’s already filled up.
I’m trying to focus more on painting up my dungeon pieces for Dwarven Forge terrain. I have been trying to make time for it, but other things have been getting in the way. Running kids around to different appointments, day to day chores, working out, and working on Magic the Gathering decks for Fridays. I should plan out my schedule a little better to be more efficient.