Remember, and Boldly Move Forward

Game Update

Building up more footage this week and a minor setback doing so when there were some sound problems with my recording computer. More importantly I found out that although I have a business licence in Florida I have not obtained an EIN yet which I will need to update on Steam as the one I used to have was for the old Texas company. That is my number one priority this week.

I did create a new opening splash screen for the game to replace the old one with the old company name. I was happy to get that done, but I need to buckle down and do a lot of video editing moving forward. My oldest son has been good about putting footage together for me.

I also contacted my artist about the “key art” that we will need for Steam. I have a meeting set up this week and look forward to see what direction she ultimately went in. I might have made a bit of a greedy request to see if she might also whip something up for my company logo as that was on my mind again this past week. I spent some of my break time drawing new graphics and moving away from the night with the long lance to try out a castle idea, which is interesting but probably not as good as the original idea.

Personal Update

Things have progressed and I’m very happy to be in a committed relationship again. I always hope that this will be the one that sticks, but I’m also cautious. It feels better than all the others this time, and so I really see possibilities. I suppose it couldn’t come at a better time as I will need all the support I can get as I push toward the Feb 22 release.

I spent some time this week framing my old Hex the Shards of Fate posters and some super hero posters to hang on all the nails in my house which is kind of a long story. Suffice it to say that I had a lot of someone else’s artwork in my house and then they went up in smoke which was pretty heart breaking. It’s good to see something hanging on all those nails I put in now.

I couldn’t help but think about my time creating videos for a couple years on my YouTube channel for the online card game Hex. It was quite a time in my life as I was working on my bachelors degree, learning game development, trying to hold together a failing marriage, and putting my best foot forward as an instructor. The game is gone now, it will in all probability never be played again due to litigation between a massive juggernaut of a company and a small peon. In a way I suppose you could say that the footage that I have along with all the other people from that community is all that’s left of it. Just a memory on video for people to relive to see what it was like.

I gained a lot from that time. I really explored and I suppose I wasn’t as successful as I had hoped. I’m no stranger to failure, I almost expect it. Still I do try to put my best foot forward. Someone told me once, “let’s not plan to fail” but as I think about that phrase I just don’t think that’s how I can do business. I prefer to know the risks I’m plunging into, and then many times I go in anyway. What’s life without a little bit of risk? I just like to have some idea of what I’m risking, along with the possible outcomes.

Time to move forward, it’s time to release.